Quantity vs Quality

by - February 24, 2017

Which one do you choose,


a) many classmates and schoolmates but you didn’t even feel comfortable with them or around them

b) have a small community in your school. I mean you only had several schoolmates and classmates but you are always feeling warm, happy, and comfort around them

I prefer B. And maybe you have the same opinion as me. Quality is important.

I’m an 11th-grade student right now. But I feel my school isn’t compatible with me. I haven’t found happiness on friends, some teachers, the system of education, and some aspect I can’t write down here. I quite hate my senior high school for all aspect.

Since I have entered senior high school year, I feel I turned to become the different person. I’m becoming not confident at all, quiet, shy, Introvert, and always panic whenever I got exams or tests. I’m afraid to fail and frequently nervous. I just need to build my self-confidence as possible as I can. My friends always tell me if I’m a smart student but I didn‘t feel like that. I just determined person and hard worker student. So many classmates were very smart and genius. I don’t know, that makes me feel down and afraid. But sometimes they become my motivation to do more than this.

I need to fix with all of these. I was separated from my close friends and that makes me more hating my school day. All I need is quality, not quantity.

Saya jadi teringat oleh pesan guru SMP saya dahulu, “Jadilah dirimu sendiri di lingkungan yang kecil daripada berpura-pura menjadi orang lain di lingkungan yang besar”

Kualitas adalah segalanya :)

happy friyay!

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